Chicken and Dumplings

Chicken and Dumplings

1 3-4 pound chicken
Salt & Pepper

Boil chicken until tender and done. Let cool while fixing the dumplings and then pull the meat off of the bone. (If you don’t like a lot of meat with your dumplings, use what you want and save the rest for chicken salad).




2 cups flour
1 tablespoon shortening
cold water

Cut together with pastry blender, knife or your fingers flour and shortening until the mixture feels like ground meal. Add enough COLD water to make a dough. (Some people like to use half milk half water.)

Roll out about 1/4 inch thick on floured board and cut into squares with a floured pastry knife (case knife). Drop, one by one into boiling broth and cook uncovered for 10 to 12 minutes. Add the amount of chicken you want during the last 5 minutes.

Submitted by Ella Robbins
Daughter of Ruby & Roy Stewart
In loving memory of my Mother

Mom’s Hot & Spicy Chili

1 lb. ground beef, browned
1 pkg. chili seasoning
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 cup water
1 big can hot chili beans
1 pkg. hot chili seasoning
1 can diced tomatoes

Brown ground beef, drain. Mix all ingredients in sauce pan. Heat.

Spoon into bowls. Top with cheddar cheese and banana pepper. Serve with crackers or over corn chips.

Submitted by Jeannette Gray
Daughter of Lela & HC Helton

Mike’s One Dish Meal

2 pieces steak
4 medium potatoes
1/2 cup butter
1 medium onion
1 green pepper

Cut steak into small strips. Put 4 tablespoons butter in square baking dish. Put steak in pan, cover with foil.

Put in oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Cut potatoes, onion, and pepper up. Put in pan with steak. Season with salt, pepper and garlic.

Bake in oven at 350 degrees until vegetables are done and steak is tender. Serve with garlic toast.

Submitted by Judy Grubb, Mother 
Daughter of Lela & HC Helton
In memory of Mike Grubb

Cinnamon Blueberry Jam

2 1/2 cups crushed blueberries
3 1/2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon bottled lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
scant 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1 pouch (3 ounces) liquid fruit pectin

Add spices, sugar, blueberries and lemon juice to an 8 – 10 quart, heavy-bottomed kettle.  

Bring to a full, roiling boil, over high heat, stirring constantly.  Add pectin and return to a roiling boil.  

Boil one minute, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat and skim any foam (if desired; I don’t bother).

Process according to USDA recommendations for jams and jellies for a shelf-stable product:

Submitted by Jim Wilson

Son of James and Lola Wilson

Spiced Peach Jelly

3-1/2 cups prepared peach juice

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
7-1/2 cups sugar

scant 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cloves
2 pouches CERTO Fruit Pectin

Add spices to the peach juice, lemon juice and sugar in an 8 – 10 quart, heavy-bottomed kettle.  

Bring to a full, roiling boil, over high heat, stirring constantly.  Add pectin and return to a roiling boil.  

Boil one minute, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat and skim any foam (if desired; I don’t bother).

Process according to USDA recommendations for jams and jellies for a shelf-stable product:

Submitted by Jim Wilson

Son of James and Lola Wilson