Lime Chiffon Cheesecake

The third variation – and possibly my favorite – of my grandmother’s refrigerator cheesecake. I’ve done a lemon version as well as an orange Dreamsicle version. See my newly updated post: Variations on a Theme – Chiffon Cheesecakes for more info on this cheesecake and links to all versions.

1 13.5 oz box graham cracker crumbs
2 sticks butter
2 cups sugar
8 oz cream cheese
9 oz lime Jell-o
1 1/3 cup water (approximately – see instructions)
2 cans cream (evaporated milk)
3 limes, juiced and zested

Refrigerate cans of cream and mixing bowl and mixer beaters.

Melt butter and prepare crumb-crust according to package directions. Press into bottom of a [easyazon-link keywords=”12 18 pan” locale=”us”]12 x 18 inch roasting pan[/easyazon-link]. Refrigerate.

Place strained lime juice in measuring cup and fill with water to 1 1/3 cups. Boil. Fully dissolve Jell-O in the water and juice. Set aside to cool.

Beat together cream cheese, sugar and lime zest.

After Jello-O has cooled slightly, but well before it is set, mix with the cream cheese mixture.

Remove cold bowl and cream from refrigerator and whip as you would heavy whipping cream. You will not quite manage stiff peaks, but you should get close. Note: the colder the cream and bowl are, the more air will be able to be whipped into the cream and the lighter your cheesecake will be.

Fold the cream into the lime mixture until there are no streaks remaining. Pour into crust and refrigerate.

The lime zest getting ready to be mixed with the cream cheese and sugar:
Lime zest sitting atop cream cheese and sugar

The lime Jell-O prepared with the lime juice:
Lime Jell-O with lime juice

Folding the whipped evaporated milk into the Jell-O & cream cheese mixture:
Folding the whipped cream into the Jell-O and cream cheese mixture

The finished cheesecake, topped with sugared lime zest:
The cheesecake, topped with sugared lime peel

Creamsicle-Dreamsicle Cheesecake

Orange Chiffon Cheesecake

This is a light ‘n fluffy cheesecake based on my Lemon Chiffon Cheesecake. There is also a Lime version. See my newly updated post: Variations on a Theme – Chiffon Cheesecakes for more info on this cheesecake and links to all versions.

1 13.5 oz box graham cracker crumbs
2 sticks butter
2 cups sugar
8 oz cream cheese
9 oz orange Jell-o
1-2 tsp vanilla extract (to taste)
1 1/3 cup water (approximately – see instructions)
2 cans cream (evaporated milk)
2 medium oranges, juiced and zested (zested with a [easyazon-link asin=”B00004S7V8″ locale=”us”]microplane[/easyazon-link])
2 medium oranges, zested (zested with an older [easyazon-link asin=”B00004OCJO” locale=”us”]zester[/easyazon-link] that produces strips)
2 T sugar

Refrigerate cans of cream and mixing bowl and mixer beaters.

Melt butter and prepare crumb-crust according to package directions. Press into bottom of a [easyazon-link keywords=”12 18 pan” locale=”us”]12 x 18 inch roasting pan[/easyazon-link]. Refrigerate.

Place strained orange juice in measuring cup and fill with water to 1 1/3 cups. Boil. Add vanilla. Fully dissolve Jell-O in the water and juice. Set aside to cool.

Beat together cream cheese, sugar and orange zest.

After Jello-O has cooled slightly, but well before it is set, mix with the cream cheese mixture.

Remove cold bowl and cream from refrigerator and whip as you would heavy whipping cream. You will not quite manage stiff peaks, but you should get close.

Fold the cream into the lemon mixture until there are no streaks remaining. Pour into crust and refrigerate.

Toss together the orange zest strips and the sugar. Sprinkle zest strips over the finished cheesecake.

Lining the pan with parchment paper will keep the crust from sticking to the pan:

Cream cheese, sugar and orange zest:

The orange gelatin ready to cool:

Combining the gelatin and cream cheese:

Whipping the evaporated milk in my Bosch mixer:

The evaporated milk will not quite reach stiff peaks, but will be nicely stiffened:

Fold together the whipped milk and the gelatin mixture:

Ready for the topping:

Strips of zest and sugar:

Toss together the sugar and zest and allow to sit a few minutes:

Artistically sprinkle the sugared zest over the cheesecake: