Jim’s Lemon Chiffon Cheesecake

My grandmother’s refrigerator cheesecake, updated with fresh lemon.

I’ve morphed this into lime and orange-creamsicle versions as well. See my newly updated post: Variations on a Theme – Chiffon Cheesecakes for more info on this cheesecake and links to all versions.

1 13.5 oz box graham cracker crumbs
2 sticks butter
2 cups sugar
8 oz cream cheese
9 oz lemon Jell-o
1 1/3 cup water (approximately – see instructions)
2 cans cream (evaporated milk)
2 large lemons, juiced and zested

Refrigerate cans of cream and mixing bowl and mixer beaters.

Melt butter and prepare crumb-crust according to package directions. Press into bottom a [easyazon-link keywords=”12 18 pan” locale=”us”]12 x 18 inch roasting pan[/easyazon-link]. Refrigerate.

Place strained lemon juice in measuring cup and fill with water to 1 1/3 cups. Boil. Fully dissolve Jell-O in the water and juice. Set aside to cool.

Beat together cream cheese, sugar and lemon zest.

After Jello-O has cooled slightly, but well before it is set, mix with the cream cheese mixture.

Remove cold bowl and cream from refrigerator and whip as you would heavy whipping cream. You will not quite manage stiff peaks, but you should get close.

Fold the cream into the lemon mixture until there are no streaks remaining. Pour into crust and refrigerate.

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