Safe Canning Tips

Just because grandmaw did it that way doesn’t mean it’s the correct way to do it now.

Now don’t get me wrong here, I ain’t dissin’ your grandmaw. I’m sure your granny was a wonderful lady. Mine sure was. But, just because she did something a certain way, doesn’t necessarily mean you should. We have access to technology, testing, and good old science that our grannies didn’t.

  • Hey! My grandmaw did it THIS way and she never killed anyone.
    That you know about. While we can’t go back in time and prove it there has been speculation that mysterious deaths in the past could have been caused by canned foods that were not safe. We have many more years of knowledge that she didn’t have available to her. How about let’s go with the scientists here?
  • You can boil green beans for 3 hours and they’ll be safe.
    No. Actually you can’t be sure of that. You might get lucky. You might poison someone. Research tells us that it would take more than 12 hours in a boiling water bath to ensure their safety. For the record: I’m not eating green beans you BWBathed. And I’m not letting my family eat them. And I’m going to discourage your family from eating them.
  • Dry canning is safe.
    What do you mean by “dry canning”? If you mean putting dry foods in jars, putting lids on those jars and putting it all in the oven – um, probably not a great idea. Canning jars aren’t supposed to go in an oven. The glass isn’t meant for that dry heat – it can shatter! The newest recommendations for lids is to not even simmer them, much less throw them in a hot oven! If, by “dry canning”, you mean vacuum sealing with something like a FoodSaver – yeah you can do that.
  • You should turn your jars upside down after processing to make sure they seal.
    No. Not really. Even where this is written down as an approved method, it is said to be questionable. You are dealing with the safety of your family here, not to mention yourself, do you really want to take a chance? We know that turning jars upside down can allow food to get between the rim of the jar and the lid and cause a seal failure.
  • My granny left the rings on her jars, why should I take mine off? Just because you say so?
    Not just because I say so. How about three reasons? One, and most important, is that the ring can hide from you an unsealed jar and you may not know it’s spoiled – the ring can hold that lid down. Two, hygiene, pure and simple – there is frequently foodstuffs under those rings and: eww. Three is money. If you remove your rings you can wash them and reuse them for your next round of canning.
  • I’ve got a big family and I’m going to can my green beans in half-gallon jars. It’s ok because I’m using a pressure canner, right?
    Just because you are using a pressure canner, does that mean that the heat has reached all the way to the middle of those big jars and has been hot enough long enough to kill everything that could kill you? You can’t be sure. Only high-acid juices are approved for canning in half-gallon jars.
  • About that heat reaching the middle of the jars thing . . . is this why pumpkin puree is not safe? I don’t need a half-gallon of that!
    Pumpkin puree is very dense though, isn’t it? I mean when we dump it out of a commercial can, it pretty much sits there without slumping, doesn’t it? It’s so thick and dense that the heat can’t get through to all areas of the jar – leaving some areas under processed and unsafe.
  • I’ve got this great recipe that’s been handed down in the family. I’m going to can that!
    Has it been tested so that you know how long to can it to make it safe? I didn’t think so. Maybe you should reconsider and use only tested recipes.
  • I’m going to do it the time-honoured, traditional way!
    You can also speed and maybe you don’t get a ticket. I don’t recommend it; eventually the Officer Botulism will catch you.

I recommend going to the website of the National Center for Home Food Preservation. They are the ones who do the testing, after all.

Three-pressure Canner Weight Sets

Tired of babysitting your pressure canner? Buy a three-pressure weight!

Traditional dial-gauge canners require you to baby-sit them and continually adjust the heat to maintain the pressure. You’ll think you have it correct and then it’ll start climbing again! Or worse, it’ll drop and you have to start all over, possibly turning your food to mush. All that fluctuating pressure can lead to your liquid syphoning out of your jars. A three-pressure weight set will help! It’s much easier to listen to the weight jiggle while you are cleaning up the kitchen – or sitting on the couch. With a three-pressure weight set, the the exact heat setting under the canner isn’t quite so critical, so it’s much easier to maintain. A more even pressure keeps the syphoning to a minimum. Did I mention you can sit on the couch?


Mirro's version of the 3-pressure weight set.Mirro has shipped with its canners for years a weight that is capable of the three different pressures that the USDA requires for the definition of a canner. Presto and All-American haven’t always done this. I do not have any [easyazon-link asin=”B000RNH7PQ” locale=”us”]Mirro canners[/easyazon-link], but it is my understanding that the newest ones are shipping with three separate weights rather than the [easyazon-link asin=”B000U7QEXK” locale=”us”]“hockey-puck” style[/easyazon-link] shown here. This hockey-puck style weight “jiggles” every few seconds to maintain the proper pressure.


All-American’s older models shipped without a three-pressure weight. You had to constantly adjust the heat of your burner under your canner to maintain the proper pressure according to the dial-gauge.

Their newer canners ship with a [easyazon-link asin=”B000S8I0YC” locale=”us”]weight that is very similar in design[/easyazon-link] to the old Mirro setup. You can buy the parts to retrofit your older model.

This weight also “jiggles” only every few seconds.


Presto’s traditional weight is a 15 pound regulator. As with the older All-American canners, you had to constantly adjust the heat under your canner to maintain the proper pressure. (Of course, if you need to can at 15 pounds pressure, you can use this weight as-is.) Presto has a a [easyazon-link asin=”B000HMBVQ8″ locale=”us”]three-piece weight set[/easyazon-link] available for its canners. This weight set allows you to choose a set pressure of five, ten or fifteen pounds. The Presto weights will rock gently when you’ve reached your set pressure.

Presto’s Traditional 15 Pound Pressure Weight
One version of Presto's traditional 15 pound weight.

Presto’s Three-piece Weight SetPresto's Three-piece Weight Set

The three-piece weight set, set up for 10 pounds pressure.Presto's three-piece weight set, setup for 10 pounds pressure

The three-piece weight set, set up for 15 pounds pressure.Presto's three-piece weight set, setup for 15 pounds pressure

This is the Mirro version of the Presto three-piece weight set. All-American’s weight is very similar to this.Mirro's 3 pressure weight and vent tube.

A brief video of the Presto three-piece weight set in action:

The traditional Presto 15lb weight:[easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”B0014IGAPG” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”130″]

[easyazon-cta align=”center” asin=”B0014IGAPG” height=”28″ key=”amazon-us-small-orange” locale=”us” width=”120″]

The Presto 3-pressure weight set: [easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”B000HMBVQ8″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”158″]

[easyazon-cta align=”center” asin=”B000HMBVQ8″ height=”28″ key=”amazon-us-small-orange” locale=”us” width=”120″]

The Mirro 3-pressure weight: [easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”B000U7QEXK” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”160″] [easyazon-cta align=”center” asin=”B000U7QEXK” height=”28″ key=”amazon-us-small-orange” locale=”us” width=”120″] The All-American 3-pressure weight: [easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”B000S8I0YC” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”160″] [easyazon-cta align=”center” asin=”B000S8I0YC” height=”28″ key=”amazon-us-small-orange” locale=”us” width=”120″]

Canning Ladles

Where was this ladle when I was looking for one for canning?

RSVP Canning Ladle
RSVP Canning Ladle

A year ago I went on a search for a ladle to use for canning. I wanted something stainless, something with a long handle and something that would hold a lot of product to fill jars quickly. I eventually went with a [easyazon-link asin=”B008K3Z76Q” locale=”us”]commercial food service ladle that held 8 ounces[/easyazon-link].

Before I settled on that one, I had found [easyazon-link asin=”B000063Y7U” locale=”us”]one with a rim around the edge[/easyazon-link] that was supposed to prevent drips. It worked well and was a high quality product, but the handle was too short for a deep stockpot, and it was also heavy.

I’m going to have to try this one because I’ve often wished for pouring spouts! It also holds 8 ounces.

I also noticed [easyazon-link asin=”B007PC4E4Y” locale=”us”]another stainless canning ladle[/easyazon-link] that is a little smaller at only 6 ounces. There are also two plastic ones. While I’m not fond of plastic, the [easyazon-link asin=”B007QT4GNU” locale=”us”]Progressive International Canning Scoop[/easyazon-link] looks interesting because of its shape – it should get into pot corners very well. But it appears to have a very short handle.

If anyone else has this – or if you decide to try it, please leave me comments below. I’ll update this post with my thoughts on it after I get a chance to try it this canning season.

Converting or Upgrading an Old Pressure Canner

Old National Canner in need of Refurbishment

Found an old canner in grandma’s basement? Or maybe you just want to add a new weighted system to your existing canner so that you don’t have to babysit a gauge anymore? Old pressure canners sometimes used funky pressure adjustment and relief systems that no longer work or have parts available. Can you fix this with something new? Maybe . . .

Disclaimer: These modifications do not necessarily correspond to the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s specifications. Any modifications you make are your responsibility. While I’ve made the following modifications to my canners, I cannot, will not, and do not take any responsibility for you or your canners. (In short, know what you are doing so you don’t hurt yourself, your family, your house, your cat or the neighbor who likes to peep out her window to see what you are doing.)

I am going to consider three examples below and tell you what I would do, or in the second two cases, have done, to bring some old technologies into the present.

A Presto Canner lid showing an older vent pipe, weight and empty over-pressure plug hole, from top-to-bottom:

Presto Canner Lid Vent Pipe and Overpressure Plug Hole

In the picture to the left, you see an older Presto canner lid with an older-model vent tube. While I believe these vent tubes are still available, along with a newer-but-different weight, you might decide that you want to upgrade to a [easyazon-link asin=”B000HMBVQ8″ locale=”us”]three-piece weight set[/easyazon-link].

I’d swap out that old-style vent tube with a new [easyazon_link identifier=”B015ZNB9Y2″ locale=”US” tag=”cwj-20″]Presto 1058 vent tube[/easyazon_link] and use the [easyazon-link asin=”B000HMBVQ8″ locale=”us”]three-piece weight set[/easyazon-link].

An All-American Canner Lid showing the Petcock, old over-pressure plug and gauge, from left-to-right:

All-American Canner Lid

Here’s an older All-American canner with the petcock and the old-style over-pressure plug. That over-pressure plug is no longer made and the new one won’t fit. What do you do? So long as that over-pressure plug is still intact, it should be fine according to All-American, when I emailed them. (I left mine and it seems to have been fine for years now.) If you need to replace the over-pressure plug, the petcock can be used as an over-pressure device. You would then add a new [easyazon_link identifier=”B015ZNB9Y2″ locale=”US” tag=”cwj-20″]vent-tube[/easyazon_link] and [easyazon-link asin=”B000HMBVQ8″ locale=”us”]weight[/easyazon-link] in place of your blown-out over pressure plug.

A National canner lid showing the over-pressure device, gauge and pressure knob,  from left-to-right:

Natianal Pressure Canner Lid

This National canner is certainly showing its age. It has an ancient over-pressure device and a pressure adjustment knob, that I’ve read was absolutely horrible to set correctly. Of course, the gauge is also a rusty mess. When I bought my small 12-quart National, it was in about the same shape as the one shown in the picture. I replaced that old over-pressure device with a new All-American petcock. The pressure adjustment knob, I replaced with the [easyazon_link identifier=”B015ZNB9Y2″ locale=”US” tag=”cwj-20″]Presto 1058 vent tube[/easyazon_link] and use the [easyazon-link asin=”B000HMBVQ8″ locale=”us”]50332 weight set[/easyazon-link]. The gauge I replaced with a [easyazon-link asin=”B000GD55LA” locale=”us”]Presto 85771[/easyazon-link]. It’s been working great for a couple years now.

Again, I won’t recommend that you make modifications to any pressure vessel you may own, but this is what I would do, and have done, to mine.

Note: The last time I ordered the Presto 1058 vent tube, I did not receive the same 1058 vent tube I’ve always gotten. Apparently there is a new design, or the suppliers have messed something up. In order to work with the Presto 3-piece weight set, the 1058 vent tube must have a chamfered or beveled outside edge on top. The two that I received were flat-topped and DID NOT WORK with the 3-piece weight set. Please see my post on the refurbishment of my Presto 21-B Canner for a picture that shows the proper 1058 vent tube that Will work with the 3-piece weight set.

Jim’s List of Essential Canning Tools

What do you need to do some major canning? Here are my suggestions for a happy canning experience.

  1. A Stainless Steel Canning Funnel
    [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B00004UE88″ locale=”us” height=”115″ src=”” width=”160″]A [easyazon-link asin=”B00004UE88″ locale=”us”]canning funnel[/easyazon-link] is a requirement to easily transfer foods into a jar. Sure you can go with plastic, but stainless will hold up better and isn’t going to melt if you get it too close to a hot burner.

  2. A Jar Lifter
    [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B007QT4GM6″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”108″]You don’t want to try to lift hot jars out of a pot of boiling water by hand, do you? A [easyazon-link keywords=”jar-lifter” locale=”us”]jar-lifter[/easyazon-link] will let you grab those jars without burning your hands.

  3. Commercial-Grade Stainless Steel Ladles
    [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B008K3Z76Q” locale=”us” height=”110″ src=”” width=”110″]You want a [easyazon-link keywords=”nsf stainless ladle” locale=”us”]ladle with a long handle[/easyazon-link] so that you can get into large stockpots. Most ladles made for home use are way to short for this task and don’t hold anywhere near enough. You can find [easyazon-link keywords=”32 oz ladle” locale=”us”]quart-sized commercial ladles[/easyazon-link]. I find myself using an [easyazon-link keywords=”8 oz stainless ladle” locale=”us”]8 oz stainless[/easyazon-link], NSF-approved ladle I picked up at a local restaurant-supply store. If you are only canning small jars, you may find a [easyazon-link keywords=”4 oz stainless ladle” locale=”us”]4 oz[/easyazon-link] or [easyazon-link keywords=”6 oz stainless ladle” locale=”us”]6 oz[/easyazon-link] ladle more appropriate.

  4. Large Stainless Stockpots – induction capable
    [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B000ZMHDRQ” locale=”us” height=”82″ src=”” width=”110″]You can cook a small amount of something in a large pot, but you’ll not be cooking a large amount in a tiny pot! If you were to go for a [easyazon-link keywords=”22 quart stainless stock pot” locale=”us”]22 quart stockpot[/easyazon-link] (a common size), it could do double-duty as a boiling-water-bath canner. I suggest an [easyazon-link keywords=”induction cookware” locale=”us”]induction-capable pot[/easyazon-link] because induction technology seems to be becoming very popular and your next stove-top may be induction. Also, many people buy hotplates to help out in the kitchen during canning season – there are several [easyazon-link keywords=”induction” locale=”us”]portable induction burners[/easyazon-link] on the market these days.

  5. Commercial-Grade Stainless Steel Spoons
    [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B00915HNZK” locale=”us” height=”110″ src=”” width=”110″]Again with the commercial thing? Why do I need a [easyazon-link keywords=”commercial spoon stainless professional” locale=”us”]commercial spoon[/easyazon-link]? Because they have the long handles to get to the bottom of a tall stockpot.

  6. Stainless Steel Skimmer
    [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B000P9TKC0″ locale=”us” height=”58″ src=”” width=”160″]When canning, you frequently want to distribute the solids out of a pot of soup evenly between jars, or only have a jar half-ful of solids before topping-off with broth. The easiest way I’ve found to do this is with a [easyazon-link asin=”B000P9TKC0″ locale=”us”]skimmer[/easyazon-link]. If you are fan of deep-frying, perhaps you already have one lying about the house?

  7. Stainless Steel Colanders
    [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B00555ETXY” locale=”us” height=”68″ src=”” width=”110″]A couple [easyazon-link keywords=”stainless colander” locale=”us”]large colanders[/easyazon-link] make rinsing large quantities of vegetables much easier! If you have a steam juicer, you should probably just grab the colander out of the top if it.

  8. Stainless Steel Steam Juicer
    [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B0002IBQL2″ locale=”us” height=”110″ src=”” width=”110″]The best invention for clear jellies, the [easyazon-link keywords=”stainless steam juicer” locale=”us”]steam juicer[/easyazon-link] also is great for removing water from tomatoes or preparing apples for apple sauce. The large colander can be used for straining anything, or with the [easyazon-link asin=”B0002IBQL2″ locale=”us”]Krona model[/easyazon-link] can be used as a normal steamer. A [easyazon-link keywords=”stainless steam juicer” locale=”us”]steam juicer[/easyazon-link] consists of 5 parts: A water pan on the bottom, A collection pan, with spout, above the water pan, A colander into which you place your product, A lid sitting on top of all, and a heat-proof hose attached to the collection pan’s spout, for draining-off your juice.

  9. A food mill or berry-press attachment for your stand mixer
    [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B00004SGFJ” locale=”us” height=”110″ src=”” width=”110″]How do you remove all the seeds and peels from the produce you’ve just run through your steam juicer? Hook up a press attachment to your [easyazon-link asin=”B00004SGFJ” locale=”us”]Kitchen Aid[/easyazon-link], Bosch or Assistent stand mixers.

  10. Pressure Canners
    [easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B00004S88Z” locale=”us” height=”110″ src=”” width=”97″]Canners? Plural? Why would you need more than one canner? And what about water bath canners?I feel a tall [easyazon-link keywords=”pressure canner” locale=”us”]pressure canner[/easyazon-link] is a must unless you have need of a small canner. A tall [easyazon-link keywords=”pressure canner” locale=”us”]pressure canner[/easyazon-link] is one that is 21 quarts by volume or greater. It will be tall enough to do two layers of pint jars as well as be used as a boiling water bath canner.[easyazon-link keywords=”Presto pressure canner” locale=”us”]Presto[/easyazon-link], [easyazon-link keywords=”Mirro pressure canner” locale=”us”]Mirro[/easyazon-link] and [easyazon-link keywords=”All-American pressure canner” locale=”us”]All-American[/easyazon-link] all make 21 quart, or larger, pressure canners. I suggest more than one canner if you are doing large batches. You can start a second canner-load as soon as the first has finished its time, or you can have two canners going at once.