Scalloped Potatoes with Meat

5 potatoes
4 Chip steaks
Salt (a little on each layer)
1 big onion
1 stick butter

1. Fry steaks till done

2. Slice meat in small pieces & chop onion (small). Set aside.

3. Peel potatoes & slice in about 1/2 inch slices. Set aside.

4. Melt butter.

Start laying of potatoes, some onion, a little flour on each potato & spoon on a little butter, add some chopped steak, till everything is gone. Then warm milk in the same pan as the butter. Pour over all the potato mixture. Cover and cook on low stove till potatoes are done, about 45 minutes. (Extra: you can add some corn to the potato layers).

Submitted by Debbie Jechen
Daughter of Ruby & Roy Stewart

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