Three-pressure Canner Weight Sets

Tired of babysitting your pressure canner? Buy a three-pressure weight!

Traditional dial-gauge canners require you to baby-sit them and continually adjust the heat to maintain the pressure. You’ll think you have it correct and then it’ll start climbing again! Or worse, it’ll drop and you have to start all over, possibly turning your food to mush. All that fluctuating pressure can lead to your liquid syphoning out of your jars. A three-pressure weight set will help! It’s much easier to listen to the weight jiggle while you are cleaning up the kitchen – or sitting on the couch. With a three-pressure weight set, the the exact heat setting under the canner isn’t quite so critical, so it’s much easier to maintain. A more even pressure keeps the syphoning to a minimum. Did I mention you can sit on the couch?


Mirro's version of the 3-pressure weight set.Mirro has shipped with its canners for years a weight that is capable of the three different pressures that the USDA requires for the definition of a canner. Presto and All-American haven’t always done this. I do not have any [easyazon-link asin=”B000RNH7PQ” locale=”us”]Mirro canners[/easyazon-link], but it is my understanding that the newest ones are shipping with three separate weights rather than the [easyazon-link asin=”B000U7QEXK” locale=”us”]“hockey-puck” style[/easyazon-link] shown here. This hockey-puck style weight “jiggles” every few seconds to maintain the proper pressure.


All-American’s older models shipped without a three-pressure weight. You had to constantly adjust the heat of your burner under your canner to maintain the proper pressure according to the dial-gauge.

Their newer canners ship with a [easyazon-link asin=”B000S8I0YC” locale=”us”]weight that is very similar in design[/easyazon-link] to the old Mirro setup. You can buy the parts to retrofit your older model.

This weight also “jiggles” only every few seconds.


Presto’s traditional weight is a 15 pound regulator. As with the older All-American canners, you had to constantly adjust the heat under your canner to maintain the proper pressure. (Of course, if you need to can at 15 pounds pressure, you can use this weight as-is.) Presto has a a [easyazon-link asin=”B000HMBVQ8″ locale=”us”]three-piece weight set[/easyazon-link] available for its canners. This weight set allows you to choose a set pressure of five, ten or fifteen pounds. The Presto weights will rock gently when you’ve reached your set pressure.

Presto’s Traditional 15 Pound Pressure Weight
One version of Presto's traditional 15 pound weight.

Presto’s Three-piece Weight SetPresto's Three-piece Weight Set

The three-piece weight set, set up for 10 pounds pressure.Presto's three-piece weight set, setup for 10 pounds pressure

The three-piece weight set, set up for 15 pounds pressure.Presto's three-piece weight set, setup for 15 pounds pressure

This is the Mirro version of the Presto three-piece weight set. All-American’s weight is very similar to this.Mirro's 3 pressure weight and vent tube.

A brief video of the Presto three-piece weight set in action:

The traditional Presto 15lb weight:[easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”B0014IGAPG” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”130″]

[easyazon-cta align=”center” asin=”B0014IGAPG” height=”28″ key=”amazon-us-small-orange” locale=”us” width=”120″]

The Presto 3-pressure weight set: [easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”B000HMBVQ8″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”158″]

[easyazon-cta align=”center” asin=”B000HMBVQ8″ height=”28″ key=”amazon-us-small-orange” locale=”us” width=”120″]

The Mirro 3-pressure weight: [easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”B000U7QEXK” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”160″] [easyazon-cta align=”center” asin=”B000U7QEXK” height=”28″ key=”amazon-us-small-orange” locale=”us” width=”120″] The All-American 3-pressure weight: [easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”B000S8I0YC” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”160″] [easyazon-cta align=”center” asin=”B000S8I0YC” height=”28″ key=”amazon-us-small-orange” locale=”us” width=”120″]

Vintage Cookie Plates for the Assistent Mixer

Need to make some cookies in your Assistent mixer, 1950’s style?

The Assistent mixer has been around for many decades and the model shown on the front of that manual in the picture below appears to be an N4. I believe the N4 dates to the 1950s.

These cookie plates would attach in place of the grinder plate at the end of the meat grinder and you’d feed your cookie dough through – and out would come a strip of formed cookie dough, which you would then cut to whatever size you wanted.

Aren’t they just plain cool?



Vintage Bosch Deluxe Stainless Bowl Parts List

I found the parts list below and thought it would be interesting to archive for posterity. Bosch still makes the big bowl show below. It is the [easyazon-link asin=”B0006DOROQ” locale=”us”]MUZ-6ER1 Stainless Steel Bowl[/easyazon-link]. Unfortunately, the small bowl with double beaters is no longer produced.

See my post for the original Bosch Stainless Bowl.

Bosch Deluxe Stainless Steel Bowl Parts List

Bosch Universal Food Mixer III User’s Manual

Front cover of the Bosch Universal Food Mixer ManualFollowing are links to PDF versions of the user’s manual for the Bosch Universal Food Mixer III. This is a UM 3 Model Series mixer.