Bowl Scraper for the Bosch Universal

L’Equip has made available a bowl scraper attachment for the Bosch Universal mixers. This attachment attaches to the whip drive of the Universal and turns with the whips or cookie paddles to scrape both the center post and the bowl sides. It does a great job!

You can see the bowl scraper at work in the video above. It’s attached to the metal whip drive and is being used with the cookie paddles in the SB4 stainless bowl on a Classic Universal (actually it’s the Bosch Comfort Plus – the Universal with a timer!).

The bowl scraper is model number[easyazon-link asin=”B006QOJQG8″ locale=”us”]MUZ6BS1[/easyazon-link].

L’Equip has allowed me to share the instruction sheet for the bowl scraper. Please read the instructions! They explain the proper procedure for using the bowl scraper without excessive wear of the scraper blades. If you don’t do it the right way you could grind down your scraper blades against the sides of the bowl. View it here.

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