Ruby’s Fried Green Tomatoes

4-5 green tomatoes
1/2 cup meal
1/2 tsp. salt
3 Tbsp. vegetable shortening
1/2 cup flour
Dash of pepper

Wash tomatoes and dry. Cut into 1/4 inch slices, and coat in mixture of flour and meal. Place in skillet where the shortening has been melted to a moderately hot temperature and fry turning the slices until they are golden brown.

Submitted by Ella Robbins
Daughter of Ruby & Roy Stewart

Poke Salad

I also remember Mommie fixing Poke Salad. You go out in the garden or woods and pick the poke. Wash and cook poke salad in bacon grease. Add a couple of eggs when cooking. Cook until tender; add salt and pepper.

(Note: Poke contains compounds known to be toxic to mammals. Please do your own research on the subject of whether eating poke is right for you. A starting place for you may be this Wikipedia article.)

Submitted by Geneva Alford

Ruby’s Diet Harvard Beets

Combine in a saucepan and cook over low heat until thick.

3/4 cup beet juice
1/4 tsp. liquid Sweet 10
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 cup vinegar
5 tsp. corn starch

Add 2 cups beets to above and heat thoroughly.

Note: Mom preferred to use Sweet and Low and went by taste.

Submitted by Ella Robbins
Daughter of Ruby & Roy Stewart

Sweet—You Bet

2 cans biscuits
Powdered Sugar
Cinnamon-sugar mixture
milk, a few drops

Roll each biscuit in cinnamon-sugar mixture. Lay in circle one slightly touching the other. Bake for about 15 minutes. While baking, mix a little milk and powdered sugar to make a glaze. Remove from oven and sprinkle with nuts. Quickly pour glaze on while still hot. Serve hot, warm or cold.

Submitted by Ella Robbins Daughter of Ruby & Roy Stewart