People always ask if the huge 8 quart Assistent mixer can handle small dough batches. I took some quick video of my DLX Assistent kneading a pizza dough with only 294 grams of flour (about 2 cups). This is about a 55% hydration dough.
The beginning of the video shows a very inconsistent dough ball, but during kneading, it will smooth out nicely and become nice and elastic, as it should.
People always ask how the Bosch Universal mixer handles small batches of dough and whether the dough divider (also called the small-batch attachment) is necessary.
My opinion is that the mixer and small batches get along just fine and that the divider is unneeded. You can make up your own mind by watching my Universal knead a batch of challah dough that uses only 338 grams of flour:
I’m always curious about things. Today it’s about what sort of [easyazon-link keywords=”pressure canner” locale=”us”]pressure canner[/easyazon-link] everyone is using. If you’d be so kind as to choose your canners below …