Improvised Steam Juicer using a pasta pot

I had heard of steam juicers but didn’t want to spend the money for one. I decided I needed to test out the concept and make my own. This is one of my improvised juicers. I used a pasta pot for this one and a Presto Canner for the other one.

The Cast:

A pasta pot. The one in the pictures is the a Tramontina model from Wal-Mart. This exact model is no longer made.

A RevereWare bowl that just happens to fit into the pasta basket while allowing the steamer basket to still fit.

Be Aware:  Removing the juice bowl can be tricky! There is a lot of steam and hot liquid!

Improvised Steam Juicer from a Pasta Pot

Use the pasta basket to get the juice bowl up out of the water:
Improvised Steam Juicer from a Pasta Pot

Adding the bowl:
Improvised Steam Juicer from a Pasta Pot

The steamer basked goes on next:
Improvised Steam Juicer from a Pasta Pot

The completed setup:
Improvised Steam Juicer from a Pasta Pot