19 comments on “Bosch Stone Grain Mill

  1. how wide can the gap between the 2 stones be made…what is the biggest gap? Trying to see if i can use it to dehusk a seed. Thanks.

    • I cannot really answer that question as the mill is not currently in my possession. From memory, I suspect that you would be unsuccessful unless the seeds were very small.


  2. I have a grain mill like this but the bottom stone cracked. Would there be any way to fix it or buy a replacement stone?

    • Ruth,

      I suspect a repair would be out of the question, but I’m no expert. I’d contact this Bosch Kitchen Center: http://www.mykitchencenter.com/. They should be able to steer you in the right direction.

      I’ve also seen them pop up on eBay.

      How do you keep it from throwing bits of cracked grain over everything?


  3. Does anyone know where I can obtain/purchase a replacement instruction manual for this mill? I found one at an estate sale, but, the manual is AWOL. I would like to obtain a copy, any help would be welcomed.

  4. Yeah! So glad that use instructions have now been made available. Perhaps I will give the grinder a whirl, literally! Thank you, Beth

    • I have this mill, and use it all the time. It works well, and the large stone stay relatively cool. An ebay search alarm has turned up about one a year.

    • Emily,

      I really wouldn’t be able help too much with that question. I would think that the cracks could cause the stone to split while in use and destroy the mill and possibly damage the bowl. But that’s only a guess.

      How do you like the mill? I’ve rarely used mine and haven’t had great success when I did.


  5. My wife has had this grain mill since 1977 and has used it extensively. now she uses it once a month to make bread for our household. It works great! everyone loves the bread!

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