Bosch Universal Potato Peeling Bowl

Bosch has made some interesting attachments for the [easyazon-link keywords=”Bosch Universal Mixer” locale=”us”]Universal mixer[/easyazon-link] over the years. In a previous post, I put up some scans of the food mill / strainer. Today we have some pictures of the potato peeling bowl. Not just for potatoes, the bowl will peel other hard vegetables.

You add water and vegetables to the bowl, turn on the mixer and let it run. The disc in the bottom of the bowl turns ‘round and ‘round. The abrasives on the disc and bowl sides scrub off the peels into the water.

It’s not perfect, of course. It can’t dig out an eye for you, but it does a pretty good job.

You can find the manual here: Potato Peeling Bowl Manual.

The bowl, peeling disc and lid:

The black around that center post is a seal to keep the water in the bowl:




The assembled potato peeling bowl:


It says: “Germany Importe D’Allemagne” … Google Translate tells me that’s “Imports from Germany” and the language is French … why French text on the bottom of an attachment for a German mixer? Does that mean my bowl came to the US from France?

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