Bosch Universal Food Strainer

“Back in the day” Bosch seems to have made some pretty interesting attachments for the Universal mixer!

Here is their food mill or strainer taken from a manual for the “Bosch Food Mixer III.” (From the picture I think that’s a UM3 Classic Universal.) The strainer only worked with the “deluxe” model. The deluxe model was the mixer that shipped with the original dough-only bowl.

Does anyone have one???

Bosch Universal Mixer Strainer Attachment

Bosch Universal Mixer Strainer Attachment Instructions

Bosch Universal Mixer Strainer Attachment Instructions in German

Bowl Scraper for the Bosch Universal

L’Equip has made available a bowl scraper attachment for the Bosch Universal mixers. This attachment attaches to the whip drive of the Universal and turns with the whips or cookie paddles to scrape both the center post and the bowl sides. It does a great job!

You can see the bowl scraper at work in the video above. It’s attached to the metal whip drive and is being used with the cookie paddles in the SB4 stainless bowl on a Classic Universal (actually it’s the Bosch Comfort Plus – the Universal with a timer!).

The bowl scraper is model number[easyazon-link asin=”B006QOJQG8″ locale=”us”]MUZ6BS1[/easyazon-link].

L’Equip has allowed me to share the instruction sheet for the bowl scraper. Please read the instructions! They explain the proper procedure for using the bowl scraper without excessive wear of the scraper blades. If you don’t do it the right way you could grind down your scraper blades against the sides of the bowl. View it here.

Electrolux DLX Assistent Mixer making Snickerdoodles

My former Pastry Instructor was donating some cookies. The big Hobart was down and the KAs in the school bakery leave something to be desired (functionality in most cases), so I decided to take in a couple of DLXs and help out. I wish I had thought to take more than two short snippets of video, though.

Cookie dough in the DLX:

Just for fun, the DLX in motion:

A bad picture of some of the Snickerdoodles:

We also made some Peanut Butter Cookies:


Yield: 40 Cookies, 1 oz. each


AP flour 14 oz. 420 g 100%
Baking powder 0.14 oz. (1 tsp.) 4 g 1%
Cinnamon 0.25 oz. (3 1/2 tsp.) 8 g 2%
Unsalted butter, softened 8 oz. 240 g 57%
Sugar 6 oz. 180 g 43%
Brown sugar 8 oz. 240 g 57%
Eggs 3.3 oz. (2 eggs) 100 g 23%
Vanilla extract 0.5 fl oz. 15 ml 4%
Salt 0.4 oz. (2 tsp.) 12 g 3%
Total dough weight: 2 lb. 8 oz. 1219 g 290%


Granulated sugar 2 oz. 60 g
Cinnamon 0.25 oz. (3 1/2 tsp.) 8 g
Mix together cinnamon and sugar

Sift together the flour, baking powder and cinnamon. Set aside.

Cream the butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then add the vanilla and salt. Gradually add the flour mixture, beating just until well combined.

Drop the dough in 1-ounce mounds onto paper-lined pans. Sprinkle the cookies generously with the topping mixture.

Bake at 400°F (200°C) until golden brown but still moist, approximately 9 to 11 minutes.

Approximate values per cookie: Calories 90, Total fat 4 g, Saturated fat 2.5 g, Cholesterol 15 mg, Sodium 100 mg, Total carbohydrates 14 g, Protein 1 g

Bosch Universal Stainless Steel Bowls

Information about the original Bosch Universal Bowl in stainless can be found here: The Original Bosch Universal Bowl.


L’Equip is making two stainless steel all-purpose bowls for the Bosch Universal mixers: the MUZ6SB3 and the MUZ6SB4. Both bowls will fit either the classic Universals or the Universal Plus. Both come with a removable drive shaft for easy cleaning. Both are 5.5 quart bowls with a dough capacity of 12 pounds.

The difference between the SB3 and SB4 is the number of splash-ring locking pins. The SB3 has three pins that will allow it to use the 3-pin splash-rings of the MUZ6KR4 plastic bowl. The SB4 has four locking pins to match the Universal Plus’ MUZ6KR4UC plastic bowl.

Below is the SB4. Note the white bit of plastic on the splash-ring. It is a lock to keep the splash-ring from moving about while the mixer is running.

Bosch Universal Mixer Stainless Steel Bowl - MUZ6SB4

Bosch Universal Mixer Stainless Steel Bowl - MUZ6SB4

Bosch Universal Mixer Stainless Steel Bowl - MUZ6SB4

Bosch Universal Mixer Stainless Steel Bowl - MUZ6SB4

Bosch Universal Mixer Stainless Steel Bowl - MUZ6SB4

Bosch Universal Mixer Stainless Steel Bowl - MUZ6SB4

Bosch Universal Mixer Stainless Steel Bowl - MUZ6SB4

Bosch Universal Mixer Stainless Steel Bowl - MUZ6SB4

Bosch Universal Mixer Stainless Steel Bowl - MUZ6SB4


Bosch makes the MUZ6ER2 stainless steel all-purpose bowl. It has 4 splash-ring locking pins and a removable drive shaft for easy cleaning. It is a 6.5 quart bowl with a 15 pound dough capacity.

Bosch Universal Plus Stainless Steel Bowl - MUZ6ER2

Bosch Universal Plastic Bowls

The Bosch Universal plastic bowl is an all-purpose bowl for the Universal mixer. You can knead dough, whip egg whites or make your favorite cookie dough. This bowl can use a dough hook, French whisks, batter whisks or [easyazon-link asin=”B000F6SP3I”]cookie paddles[/easyazon-link]. This bowl has been described as donut-shaped or Bundt shaped because of its center post. That center post houses the drive shaft for the attachments and is topped with the spur gear that runs the whisks and cookie paddles.

First Generation

The first generation of Bosch Universal plastic bowl will hold 5.5 quarts or 12 pounds of dough, and has three splash-ring locking pins on the outside edge of the bowl. The splash-ring is plastic and fits down over the top edge of the bowl.

I have narrowed the release date of this bowl to sometime between 1961 and 1970. I believe it ended its production run in 1984 when Bosch redesigned the Universal mixer.

Bosch Universal Mixer Original Plastic Bowl

Bosch Universal Mixer Original Plastic Bowl

Bosch Universal Mixer Original Plastic Bowl

Bosch Universal Mixer Original Plastic Bowl

Second Generation – MUZ6KR4

This second-generation plastic bowl, Model Number MUZ6KR4,  moved the splash-ring locking pins to the inside of the bowl. The splash-ring now sits inside the bowl, preventing anything from making it’s way down the outside of the bowl as could occasionally happen when the first-generation bowl was filled to capacity. This bowl maintains the same 5.5 quart and 12 pound dough capacities as the first generation plastic bowl. All attachments are interchangeable with the first-gen bowl.

I believe this bowl to have been released with the 1984 Universal redesign. It is still in production today.

Bosch Universal Mixer Plastic Bowl - MUZ6KR4

Bosch Universal Mixer Plastic Bowl - MUZ6KR4

Bosch Universal Mixer Plastic Bowl - MUZ6KR4

Third Generation – MUZ6KR4NUC

Released in 2007 with the Universal Plus mixer, Bosch upped the capacity of this all-purpose bowl to 6.5 quarts or 16 pounds of dough. This bowl also has a redesigned cover and splash-ring. The cover has a higher dome than the previous bowls and the splash-ring mounts to the bowl using 4 locking-pins. This bowl also has a removable driveshaft that allows for easier access to the center post for easier clean-up. I’ve seen this bowl listed as the MUZ6KR4NUC and the MUZ6KR4UC without any explanation of any differences between the two model numbers.

Bosch Universal Plus Plastic Bowl - MUZ6KR4UC

Bosch Universal Plus Plastic Bowl - MUZ6KR4UC

Bosch Universal Plus Plastic Bowl - MUZ6KR4UC

Bosch Universal Plus Plastic Bowl - MUZ6KR4UC