Big Batch Sugar Cookies in the Bosch Universal

Let’s make some sugar cookies!

12 C flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1.5 tablespoon baking powder
4 C butter
4 C sugar
4 eggs
4 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoon either lemon, orange or almond extracts
1 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350° degrees F. Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, vanilla and other extracts.

Sift, then mix dry ingredients and add to butter mixture. Mix well.

Chill for 1 to 2 hours. Roll to 1/4″ thickness and cut into desired shapes. Bake 8 to 10 min.


Can be decorated with colored sugars before baking or iced with royal icing afterwards.  Use your imagination decorating these.

To freeze: divide dough into approximately 4 rounds and wrap tightly in waxed paper then over wrap in moisture/vapor proof.  You can freeze the rounds on a tray then vacuum seal the frozen rounds

Submitted by Miss Vi & the Duckies

Procedure using the Bosch Universal

4 cups butter
(use the pulse feature to start mixing)
Getting Ready to Mix the Butter in the Bosch Universal

Sugar mixed with butter:
The butter just mixed with the sugar

Butter and sugar after 3 minutes of creaming:The creamed butter and sugar

Getting ready to change to the dough hook to mix in the flour:Getting ready to switch to the Bosch dough hook to mix in the flour

Adding 12 cups flour using splash ring:
Adding the flour using the splash ring

The finished sugar cookie dough

Finished dough:
Bosch Sugar Cookie Dough

Bosch Universal Potato Peeling Bowl

Bosch has made some interesting attachments for the [easyazon-link keywords=”Bosch Universal Mixer” locale=”us”]Universal mixer[/easyazon-link] over the years. In a previous post, I put up some scans of the food mill / strainer. Today we have some pictures of the potato peeling bowl. Not just for potatoes, the bowl will peel other hard vegetables.

You add water and vegetables to the bowl, turn on the mixer and let it run. The disc in the bottom of the bowl turns ‘round and ‘round. The abrasives on the disc and bowl sides scrub off the peels into the water.

It’s not perfect, of course. It can’t dig out an eye for you, but it does a pretty good job.

You can find the manual here: Potato Peeling Bowl Manual.

The bowl, peeling disc and lid:

The black around that center post is a seal to keep the water in the bowl:




The assembled potato peeling bowl:


It says: “Germany Importe D’Allemagne” … Google Translate tells me that’s “Imports from Germany” and the language is French … why French text on the bottom of an attachment for a German mixer? Does that mean my bowl came to the US from France?

Bosch Mixer Manufacturing Dates

When was your mixer made?

Did you ever wonder when Bosch made your mixer? It’s been a topic of discussion on the Mixer-Owners Yahoo Group recently, with some talk back and forth with the Bosch importer, L’Equip.

On the bottom of your mixer, you should find a sticker with an “FD Number.” It will be in the form of the letters “FD” followed by 4 numbers: FDxxxx.

The last two numbers correspond to the month the mixer was made. 01 would be January, 12 would be December. That’s the simple part. To determine the year requires math.

The math goes something like this: add 20 to the first two numbers in the “FD Number” and the last two numbers of that number correspond to the last two numbers of the year. Got that?

Let’s take FD7909 as an example. 79 + 20 is 99, so FD7909 was made in September of 1999.

How about FD9104? 91 + 20 is 110, so we take only the last two numbers and come up with 2010. FD9104 was made in April of 2010.

I don’t like math. Never did. Let’s make a chart!

Note: I continued this chart back to 1980 and forward to 2019. There was a model change in 1984, so it makes sense that this chart will not be accurate before 1984, and, of course, I can’t guarantee it will be accurate in the future.

FD Number

Year of Manufacture

FD60xx 1980
FD61xx 1981
FD62xx 1982
FD63xx 1983
FD64xx 1984
FD65xx 1985
FD66xx 1986
FD67xx 1987
FD68xx 1988
FD69xx 1989
FD70xx 1990
FD71xx 1991
FD72xx 1992
FD73xx 1993
FD74xx 1994
FD75xx 1995
FD76xx 1996
FD77xx 1997
FD78xx 1998
FD79xx 1999
FD80xx 2000
FD81xx 2001
FD82xx 2002
FD83xx 2003
FD84xx 2004
FD85xx 2005
FD86xx 2006
FD87xx 2007
FD88xx 2008
FD89xx 2009
FD90xx 2010
FD91xx 2011
FD92xx 2012
FD93xx 2013
FD94xx 2014
FD95xx 2015
FD96xx 2016
FD97xx 2017
FD98xx 2018
FD99xx 2019

Bosch Universal Mini Dough Hook for the Slicer-Shredder Bowl

L’Equip has released a new dough hook for Bosch’s Slicer-Shredder Bowl. You can already mix light batters in the slicer-shredder bowl using the [easyazon-link keywords=”bosch ts5 whisk” locale=”us”]mini whisk[/easyazon-link] assembly; now dough has moved to the small bowl.

I decided to take it for a test drive on some pizza dough. The recipe is a variation on Alton Brown’s pizza dough:

3/4 cup water
2 cups bread flour
2 T sugar
2 t salt
1 T yeast
2 T olive oil

I throw everything into the bowl and after it comes together, set the timer for 12 minutes and walk away.

If you want to watch the full-length, shot-from-above video from start to finish you can see it here.

Motion-Blur for fun:
Bosch Universal Mini Slicer Shredder Dough Hook

Pizza dough finished kneading:
Bosch Universal Mini Slicer Shredder Dough Hook - Pizza Dough

The finished dough ball:
Bosch Universal Mini Slicer Shredder Dough Hook - Dough Ball

Bosch Universal Food Strainer

“Back in the day” Bosch seems to have made some pretty interesting attachments for the Universal mixer!

Here is their food mill or strainer taken from a manual for the “Bosch Food Mixer III.” (From the picture I think that’s a UM3 Classic Universal.) The strainer only worked with the “deluxe” model. The deluxe model was the mixer that shipped with the original dough-only bowl.

Does anyone have one???

Bosch Universal Mixer Strainer Attachment

Bosch Universal Mixer Strainer Attachment Instructions

Bosch Universal Mixer Strainer Attachment Instructions in German